Top places to see in Lombok

Planning a trip to Lombok ? I’ll list here the top places to see in Lombok.

From the best beaches to the most interesting islands to visit, including some amazing viewpoints, I’ll make a list of the best things to do on the island with all the details you need to get there !

in summary

top 3 islands in Lombok

There are many little islands around Lombok, some more famous than others. Here are the little hidden gems to explore if you are coming to Lombok.

First one would have to be Gili Air. It’s located close to Gili Trawangan (famous for its parties and nightlife) and Gili Meno (the smallest of the three islands). We chose Gili Air for the more authentic vibe, the snorkelling and because it was less touristy.

It is only a 15 minutes boat ride from Lombok, and cost around 7€ if you book online, a bit less if you book at the harbour (5-6€).

There are no cars on the island, everything can be done by foot or by horse. This gives a calmer atmosphere to the island, and a slower life rhythm which is very enjoyable.

If you go from North to South by foot it will take around 20 to 30 minutes.

This island is perfect to plan snorkelling day trips, to relax, enjoy good food and drinks.

I would definitely recommend Kopi susu café, perfect to take a sweet break during the day.

If you want to try a Balinese massage in Gili Air, try Rinjani Spa at the North East of the island. You will be hearing the ocean while having an incredible massage !

Walking by night on the island is very peaceful yet lively, take an evening stroll around, mainly on the North side where all the restaurants are.

The two other islands I’ll mention are perfect for a boat day. Gili Nanggu and Gili Keddis are awesome snorkelling spots. We saw incredible corals, clown fish, starfish, parrot fish, you name it !

To get there we drove to Tawun Harbour in Lombok and then asked some fishermen if we could do a snorkelling trip to those islands.

That way we got a private boat trip for a fair price plus the snorkelling gear. We were also dropped off at a restaurant on a deserted island for lunch !

After snorkelling for a while at Gili Nanggu, we went to Gili Keddis, a very small island, with beautiful underwater life.

If you have the time, you can also plan a few days to Gili Asahan. We did not personally go there for time issues, but our friends did and absolutely recommended this (still) wild and preserved island in Lombok.

top 3 viewpoints in Lombok

Of course the first one has to be Mount Rinjani. Located in North Lombok, it is an active volcano with a volcano lake. It rises to 3726 meters, making it the second highest peak in Indonesia.

You can organize a two days trek to the summit, but it requires great physical conditions (you will walk a lot, and if you have asthma it might not be advised as the altitude difference is important).

We got very lucky to see Mount Rinjani from the plane at sunset, absolutely mind blowing :

Second viewpoint which is breathtaking is Bukit Selong, also in North Lombok. It is a little bit tricky to find it at first, Google Maps does not pin the exact starting point of the path to get to the viewpoint. Ask the locals and they will happily explain you the way. It is a short walk uphill (around 5 to 10 minutes) and there is a fee of 10 000 IDR per person (0,57€).

You will be blown away by the view of the rice paddies and Mount Rinjani :

If you can, try to go there once for the sunset !

Last one would have to be Bukit Merese. Located in the South, close to Kuta, it is beautiful to enjoy a sunset over the ocean.

Parking is 10 000 IDR (0,57€), and it is a 5 minutes walk from the parking spot.

top 5 beaches in Lombok

Here are the 5 best beaches to go to in Lombok :

  • Selong Belanak Beach : this one is the perfect beach to learn how to surf and not damage your car on the way to the beach !
  • Mawi Beach : This one however has to be earned, the drive to get to the beach is challenging but the beach is beautiful.
  • Mawun Beach : Another beautiful beach, the decor is amazing with those hills all around the beach. However I must say, there were a lot of plastics in the ocean at the left of the beach, almost none if you walk all the way to the right.
  • Pantai Pengantap : A bit further away from Kuta and with a damaged road, but also a little hidden gem !
  • Tanjung Aan Beach : This is the beach you can reach from the Bukit Merese viewpoint, absolutely incredible beach as well

top 3 hikes in lombok

Of course, when in Lombok, you can hike Mount Rinjani in a two days trek. Bear in mind it is very physical, even though you will be accompanied by a guide and carriers to carry food, camping gears etc. But you will be highly rewarded with the scenery.

Second hike I would recommend doing in Lombok is in Tetebatu. Located near Mount Rinjani, it is where most of the ricefields and other plantations are.

We were approached by a local guide when we arrived in the area. Ros took us to a hike in the ricefields, but also in the cocoa, pepper, and vanilla plantations.

We walked through the local villages, waterfalls, amazing viewpoints and even got to buy some vanilla beans at the end.

If you are interested, type in Ros Tour Guide in Google Maps, you can contact him easily to plan a hike in Tetebatu.

Last hike is Pergasingan hill, right in front of the Bukit Selong viewpoint and close to Mount Rinjani. It takes less than 2 hours to get to the top, the beginning of the hike is steep but it gets easier after the first 45 minutes. You camp at the top if you want to enjoy a sunrise there.

If you rent a car in Lombok, remember that the roads are narrow and there are many “unique” means of transport that may be dangerous..

Last but not least, if you are interested in booking a hotel in Lombok, I cannot recommend enough Majango Bungalows, located less than a 10 minute drive from Kuta. This place is a hidden paradise, plus the cook makes awesome Nasi Goreng and pancakes !

And that wraps up the best places to see when in Lombok !

It was truly a magical and wonderful trip, if you plan on going also in Bali check out my article about the food specialties and best places to eat in Bali.

I have also wrote an article about a day in Nusa Penida, an unmissable when coming to Bali.

If you need a personalized itinerary, you can fill this form and I’ll find you the best accommodations, flights and itinerary !

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